Really though? This mostly-untrue statement is the line that warrants adding hashtag #post-quantum-cryptography to the blogpost?
If this further improvement becomes widely used, it would be interesting to see if it's enough to tip the scales towards ed25519 being more of the de facto "default" ssh key algorithm. My experience is that a decent number of people still use RSA keys most of the time, but I don't feel like I have nearly enough of a sample size to conclude anything significant from that.
That's pretty sweet. I'm currently using BoringSSL in a project as a supplement to OpenSSL (mostly because it is much easier to build for Windows users than requiring them to fiddle with msys2/vcpkg etc; the alternative is to rely on the Windows CNG API, but it lacks features like ed25519 support.) I wonder how much effort it would take to use aws-lc instead... Not that I'm that interested, BSSL is pretty good, but free performance and heavy automated verification is always nice :)
Related: one of the authors of this post, John Harrison, wrote a really good book about automated theorm proving about 15 years ago while working on floating point verification at Intel -- there's still no other book quite like this one, I think
My immediate fear was that they optimized away the security features like absence of timing side channels, but they say they still have those.
They also claim to have formal proof of correctness, which is even more amazing, because they are not doing it on a symbolic level but on a machine instruction level. Apparently they tought their reasoning system the semantics of all the CPU instructions used in the assembler implementation.
I'll still wait what djb has to say about this, but it looks freaking amazing to me.
Is this implementation resistant to that?
If it isn't, it's kinda a footgun which shouldn't be published for general use.
Ditto for sha256:
And sha512:
If you’re an optimization nerd, this codebase is wild.