This is a cool project. One thing I was confused on at first tho was the large earth sphere in the center of a what looks like a spherical universe of galaxies. This makes it look more like a cloud of satellites orbiting earth.
Fascinating, thanks for posting! Some interesting things I noticed:

1. I think we hugged your university site to death, lol.

2. When it finally loaded, I saw this: "Prerequisites: Programming 101" given this work, that's pretty hilarious! You at the very least used a Data Structure or two, which is Programming 201...

3. Am I correct in understanding the implicit approach is "look, the blue ones are all bunched up and the red ones aren't, so galaxies aren't randomly distributed"?

4. Any takeaways in terms of things you'd like to add, similar ideas that occurred to you, or other cool stuff? You seem like a creative soul and I love dreaming up Three.js-driven space simulations like, so I'd enjoy hearing any thoughts you might have :).

For anyone else trying this out on Linux, the build infrastructure can all be replaced with just:

    cp -i src/* includes/* .
    g++ frontend.cpp -lraylib
Astronomer here. Sorry for criticism, but I think it would be much better if galaxies were shown in 3d. There are a lot of surveys providing redshifts, hence 3d positions. Then one would see the cosmic web, otherwise it looks a bit weird just projected on the sphere.