Every single MP who voted Nay to this did so because of self interest of maintaining a status quo of false majority governments. It has taken decades of work to get this motion to happen, and then politicians voted to just toss it out. This failure for democratic reform is likely going to lead to greater polarization. The next government elected will be one that most Canadians don't actually want. Oh, and the policy lurch! Such a waste.
I don't think I've seen good news come out of Canada in some time. Weak military, overspending, corruption, counterintuitive commitments to mass immigration, a higher education that is focused on international students, CCP infiltration, woke performative politics, collapsing healthcare system, low wages, high unemployment, wildfires, and the list goes on. America shares some of these challenges, but will overcome them, not sure how Canada will fare.
Every single MP who voted Nay to this did so because of self interest of maintaining a status quo of false majority governments. It has taken decades of work to get this motion to happen, and then politicians voted to just toss it out. This failure for democratic reform is likely going to lead to greater polarization. The next government elected will be one that most Canadians don't actually want. Oh, and the policy lurch! Such a waste.