I am not sure how useful it was in reality(usually if you had a nice graphics card you also had a nice cpu) but I had fun playing around with it. There was something fascinating about getting accelerated graphics on a program running in the machine room. I was able to get glquake running like this once.
But hey i'm happy to be proofed wrong ;)
Does anyone know if this is possible with USB?
I have a Davinci Resolve license USB-dongle I'd like to not plugging into my laptop.
Hmm... well I just watched you run nvidia-smi in a Mac terminal, which is a platform it's explicitly not supported on. My instant assumption is that your tool copies my code into a private server instance and communicates back and forth to run the commands.
Does this platform expose eGPU capabilities if my host machine supports it? Can I run raster workloads or network it with my own CUDA hardware? The actual way your tool and service connects isn't very clear to me and I assume other developers will be confused too.
this is awesome. can it do 3d rendering (vulkan/opengl)
Another solution is qCUDA [3] which is more specialized towards CUDA.
In addition to these solutions, various virtualization solutions today provide some sort of serialization mechanism for GPU commands, so they can be transferred to another host (or process). [4]
One example is the QEMU-based Android Emulator. It is using special translator libraries and a "QEMU Pipe" to efficiently communicate GPU commands from the virtualized Android OS to the host OS [5].
The new Cuttlefish Android emulator [6] uses Gallium3D for transport and the virglrenderer library [7].
I'd expect that the current virtio-gpu implementation in QEMU [8] might make this job even easier, because it includes the Android's gfxstream [9] (formerly called "Vulkan Cereal") that should already support communication over network sockets out of the box.
[1] https://github.com/pocl/pocl
[2] https://portablecl.org/docs/html/remote.html
[3] https://github.com/coldfunction/qCUDA
[4] https://www.linaro.org/blog/a-closer-look-at-virtio-and-gpu-...
[5] https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/qemu/+/em...
[6] https://source.android.com/docs/devices/cuttlefish/gpu
[7] https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/...
[8] https://www.qemu.org/docs/master/system/devices/virtio-gpu.h...
[9] https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/google/gf...
So I wrote https://github.com/steelbrain/ffmpeg-over-ip and had the server running in the windows machine and the client in the media server (could be plex, emby, jellyfin etc) and it worked flawlessly.