Hello HN,

After a long time working on this project, I'm finally ready to share the first public version of Orbit. Although there's still much to be done, I believe this project is ready to move beyond internal testing.

Orbit is a CSS framework that lets you create simple or complex radial designs and UIs, from pie charts to radial menus, and even fully radial pages.

Orbit is designed to be simple, extensible and compatible with other tools and frameworks, using space-related concepts.

To see Orbit in action, check out the landing page, which is built with Orbit. You can also find additional examples here https://zumerlab.github.io/orbit-docs/examples/.

I hope you like it and I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Thanks! Martin

This is great. I like the intuitive API. Perfect timing, too -- I needed to make a pie menu today for a virtual whiteboard. Currently thinking about how to incorporate hover effects and selection.

Editing nits:

  contant -> content

  orbit0 -> orbit-0

  spke ->> ??

  abowe -> above
Pretty cool, this is inspiring for landing pages.

Just a heads-up though, the scroll animations activate pretty late. When I scrolled to "components", the first component displayed when it was kinda close too the off screen, which is not very comfortable. The animation should trigger a bit after entering the screen

It’s quite broken and not responsive (extends with horizontal scroll past the viewport) on iPhone 15 Pro Max.
This is awesome. Well done. I am definitely going to try this out today.
Looks nice!

I'm on an older phone though and your landing Page murders it. Animations stutter and scrolling is pretty janky. Not sure I'd that's an issue with the components or something else?

Oh, fun! I've been toying with some radial menu designs; this might be the impetus to attempt an implementation.
This is pretty interesting. With other frameworks it never occurred to think of something like this in every day design.
This is very cool !