Some feedback:

1. It will be a lot better if the Summary popup can be stretched to full-screen with font size controls.

2. There needs to be a feature to browse papers based on subjects and other applicable categories.

3. There need to be playback controls (pause, rewind, etc.) for audio narration of the summaries.

4. Themes customization and dark mode will also be great features to have.

ScholArxiv is an open-source aesthetic and minimal app that allows users to search, read, bookmark, share, download and view summaries of academic papers from the arXiv repository that you can download now.


Read Papers: Read entire papers in detail within the app.

Bookmarks: Save your favorite papers for quick access.

Summaries: View and listen to brief paper summaries.

Search Papers: Search for papers using keywords, titles, authors and abstract. If no keyword is provided the app suggests random popular papers.

Download and Share Papers: Download papers for offline reading or you can share document links to others.

Great app, if it is not too much trouble would you please consider posting it on f-droid as well?
You know what else might be cool is a "see related" feature, whenever a paper references another, create a link between them and create an almost recomendation engine based on that. Ideally, you could then look at a kind of discoverability family tree of how the paper's evolved.

This is likely hard to implement and only wishful thinking, but I think it would be neat.

This site looks good where you can post your own important links & curate, share with others


A) cool app, well executed!

B) this has further radicalized me into pure web development. What native features does this take advantage of that couldn’t be accomplished just as easily in typescript? I don’t have an android :(

Nice! ScholArxiv is gonna make exploring research papers fun.
Could you supporting importing any paper from doi.org links? Like a mobile Zotero.
one suggestion i have is to add a few images or a short video of you using the app. personally i dont usually download apps to just try them out, without at least having some idea of what to expect
How do you get paid articles?
Cool project—keep it up!