I appreciate the author's perspective, but my approach in life has been based largely on two biblical verses that I memorized in childhood. Those are 1) "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters" (Colossians 3:23) and 2) "Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank" (Proverbs 22:29).

These two verses come to my mind often and have formed the basis of how I approach nearly everything in life both work and hobby. I feel the pursuit of excellence is a thing both for work and life in general.

On the Internet, everything is my work. I do not have some benefactor job outside of what I do.

For my hobbies and sports, I approach everything with diligence and care.

I hope to raise my children to do likewise.

> Anything you do or create will probably receive little to no attention, so stop optimizing for a non-existent audience [...] The most egregious thing you can do with any activity is daydream about how you can make money off of it [...] In the end, find something you enjoy doing and just do it because you enjoy it.

I don't understand the equivalence the author is ultimately making in suggesting that creating something with polish is expecting to make money (and fame) from it. Yet notice all the things in the blog post are creations that are exposed to the internet (photography blogging, releasing a program online, making a website), rather than private, non-published hobbies which literally have no audience.

Some prefer to make things polished/more complete as they want others to enjoy something more and polish makes it more accessible/usable/meaningful, or because it's a reflection on them (whether using an IRL identity or even a pseudonymous one) and part of their enjoyment of the process.

Since we all know the audience is whoever will come across it, once something is released in the wild. Might be an audience of one, or many. Which isn't to say people need to care about the output of hobby but I disagree that money/fame is the only motivation in improving something.

There are people out there so utterly brain-broken (myself included) who seek to monetize every little personal hobby.

“Maybe I should start journaling” turns into “How can I be a thought leader on bleeping journaling?” And it ruins everything.

I’ve done this multiple times and regret it. I’ve only recently adopted the mindset that this author is attempting to convey, which is simple: identify what you enjoy and why, and just do it - don’t try to exploit it and monetize it (which the author has strangely conflated to “being famous” I think)

So I like the article. It’s a nice reminder. As to the other commenters railing against its “LinkedIn-ness” or it being a platitude, sure - but it’s upvoted and it is what it is now.

I’m going to hard disagree with this. A lot of the enjoyment I get from creation is the process of others enjoying what I’ve built.

Further more, building for others is great for building out areas you’re weak or inexperienced in. Like, I was poor on the accessibility front until I found the thing I created resonated with the visually impaired folk.

Ash's main takeaway is solid — Immerse yourself in hobbies or creative pursuits without being overly concerned about external validation or the potential for monetary gain.

Other takeaways that stuck with me were:

— Finding enjoyment in the process of learning and improving your own skills is crucial.

— Setting personal goals can help fuel growth.

— Sharing your work with others is a way to receive feedback and learn from other perspectives, but don't let pursuit, perfection or seeking monetisation overshadow the joy of the activity itself.

— Intrinsic rewards of your hobby or pursuit trump validation or financial gain.

In the end, you need to find something you enjoy doing, and do it because you ENJOY it.

I haven’t studied the topic enough, but it would be very interesting to see when this dichotomy of money-making vs. self-interest really embedded itself into the act of creation. Somewhere during the Industrial Revolution, I suppose. But I also think the default mode of “art as self expression” plays a big part, and that’s more early-mid 20th century.

Because when you read about creators during say, the Renaissance, you don’t really have this much of a dichotomy. Da Vinci worked on a paid portrait project, and then did unpaid experiments on his own which ended up being useful for his paid projects. It was a very loop-like thing and I think he would find the explicit framing of “I’m doing this to make money” and “I’m doing this purely to create something I want to create” as alien. Ditto for most forms of art in most parts of the world, prior to the late 19th century.

The solution, I think, might be to focus primarily on the craft and not on the end product. You see this a lot with early 20th century fiction writers that moved in and out of journalism, with the idea that they were becoming better at the craft of writing, not at creating a final product or “being a good fiction writer.”

Ok the most important sentence in this essay is its subtitle:

“Advice for myself around leisure activities”

Personally I am no perfectionist at all, but I don’t see the fun in making stuff myself that I could otherwise buy. I took up sewing, not because I want to sew the perfect shirt, but because men’s fashion sucks. That said, I sew stuff I can wear. So it needs to look at least as good as what I could buy. I don’t think that it’s “acting like being famous”. Similarly, I am writing a screenplay, because I have a lot of experience reading bad screenplay that were actually made into movies, and I think I can write one that is at least as good as the worst ones I read. I don’t paint or take photographs because I know mine will look terrible.

Maybe that would be my advice in taking up hobbies: aim to be better than the worst people who do it professionally.

Agree with focusing on doing it because you enjoy it, something gets lost when we try and impress others; I'm sure we can all remember being a child and doing things purely because we enjoyed it.

However, I disagree with the personal style part of things, or trying to make things look good. These things don't have to be about impressing an audience. It can be just as much about enjoying the process.

It really boils down to what you define as "leisure activities" and everyone is different and often multi-faceted in that regard. So this certainly fails as a one-size-fits-all advice.

There are hobbies we do out of pure enjoyment. E.g. for me personally this is (choir-)singing. I know so many people who are better singers than I am (or ever will be) yet I couldn't care less. I am 100% happy with my skill level. If anyone else comes to the conclusion that somebody else is a better singer than I, they're probably right!

Then there are hobbies we do b/c we like the skill itself or b/c we want to have what comes with it. E.g. when I do a SW or HW side-project I really do want to create the best product (as niche-y as it might be) and yes, I do care a great deal about whether others like it or not. Put simply I want to be the best b/c I can be the best. I couldn't imagine doing this just for fun. TBH the whole idea of just-for-fun side projects sounds absurd to me.

This resonates with me. I can't have relaxing hobbies: I take them up, find some measurable/competitive/social aspect in them, smash my way from "rookie" to "advanced beginner" to "top 20 percentile" in very little time and then agonize about the ensuing plateau and how getting into the top 1% would require complete dedication or might be realistically out of reach for me.

By that time I stop enjoying doing whatever the thing is. Not fun anymore.

People will sincerely praise me and it will feel empty because I know there are millions of better painters, my laptimes are a full second off the ultimate pace, my guitar skills only good enough for playing alone in my office, my leisure programming projects all pointless and abandoned.

I envy two kinds of people: those that have found some thing they are very good at and keep enjoying it forever, but also those that can enjoy something for years even if they are realistically mediocre at it and never improve.

And the money making part is also true for me. I took up miniature painting and quite soon was at the level where people will pay you decent money to paint their miniatures for them. I started getting offers and accepted one, not for the money, probably just out of pride. It was complete hell, I hated the result and every minute I spent painting it. The client was happy, me, I guess I learned my lesson: never again.

Hard disagree with this as a polemic

When I take photographs of my friends, it is incredibly important to me that they be in focus, sharp, with a good depth of field bokeh that brings out their face and presents an attractive image. I take a huge amount of pride when a photo I shot ends up as a profile picture or widely shared. That's a large part of why I take them, to share with others.

Got my current job because of my public code and the quality of articles I have written on subjects relevant to the employer. When I interviewed they largely skipped the technical parts and focused on cultural fit and the kinds of projects I wanted to be involved with, because my publicly demonstrated track record left no question about the quality of my work.

It is fine to have some activities you enjoy without perfectionism, but there is a world of advantages that can come from a focus on quality.

My son put effort into dressing up for his Year 10 formal as that is what you do. But during the event he observed that most kids focused on how they looked rather than noticing others, and thought he should have spent a lot less effort into his outfit :)
For there to be famous people, there has to be non famous people. In the same way that up needs down, black needs white.

A figure I saw once was based on "do they have a Wikipedia page" as counting as famous. And the ratio was something like 50,000:1 relative to the population.

Would you bet your lives actions on a 50,000 to 1 chance? And even then do you think it would be possitive? Sometimes fame is the worst thing that can happen to someone. Being anonymous can be a blessing in disguise.

> Do you want to build an app or website but don’t enjoy the process of designing? Then make it ugly. Who cares!

Well... I do as the only user of what I create. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I also don't like clunky interfaces. So even though it isn't the process I enjoy doing most all the time I still put in the effort.

I recommend against Grammarly because I like when I see peoples' idiosyncrasies and it's little fuckups that move language forward.
I dunno, I think people should do what makes them happy. Don't know why the author is so crabby about it.

The artists and innovators I respect the most are people who have gone way out a limb to put effort into a expression or endeavor, knowing full well that it might not appeal to anyone else. It takes a lot of effort, self belief, and perseverance to do this, and there's no guarantee of success. In fact, success is unlikely.

But a world where everyone follows the author's advice feels mediocre to me.

It’s true you’re not famous. But the rest of this is pretty bad advice. If you’re an indie app developer and you don’t care about design, nobody will use your app—not just the people who care about design. If you’re a blogger and you don’t care about grammar, some people will be turned off by your terrible writing. I assume anything you do you want to do well. If that’s not the case then definitely take the advice in the original post.
This is excellent advice, but there is one exception: on the internet, behave as if your username was your real name and everyone was in the room with you. Don’t use the cover of anonymity to be mean. Act as if people knew you and remembered you.
So, if I’m hearing the zeitgeist correctly. Currently, the best competing advice I hear along venn intersections is:

0. Do less things

1. Do things at a natural pace

2. Obsess over quality

3. Don’t obsess over quality, eff the haters!

4. Do more things


Even Terence Tao advises mathematicians to develop their own personal style when writing mathematics. Your own personal style, based on your experiences, is what makes you unique and hence might make you famous.

You might not become famous by developing your own style but you'll definitely not be you if you don't.

> ... stop optimizing for a non-existent audience and instead focus on what makes you enjoy the activity.

What if I enjoy optimizing for a non-existent audience?

Unfortunately, for some people an illusion of themselves is all they have left:


Postulating intellectual artifacts somehow bring contentment also can become unhealthy. As some folks spend their entire lives solving a civilizations perceived problems, and only later conclude most of the planet just isn't worth saving... if one becomes hapless as a consequence.

One may disagree, but that is an indulgence youthful idealism often prescribes. In conclusion, goldfish crackers are awesome... =3

I had a goal of programming every morning for an hour, and it wouldn’t stick… Once I dropped any pretense of making money, or getting anything out of it other than enjoying the craft, it has finally stuck.
Main character syndrome is a disease. But you can get help. Call the number on your screen.
I think the emphasis is not "don't create for others" but more on "don't let people-pleasing get in front of the actual joy of whatever you are supposed to enjoy", which I'd personally agree with.

For photo example: If creating a style on Instagram for more presence and likes etc. does NOT negatively impact your photographic process and decisions, but solely build on top of the hobby that you already enjoy without social media, then go ahead.

1 The words of the Teacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2 Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. 3 What do people gain from all the toil at which they toil under the sun? 4 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. 5 The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hurries to the place where it rises. 6 The wind blows to the south, and goes around to the north; round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. 7 All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they continue to flow. 8 All things are wearisome; more than one can express; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, or the ear filled with hearing. 9 What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun. 10 Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has already been, in the ages before us. 11 The people of long ago are not remembered, nor will there be any remembrance of people yet to come by those who come after them.
In contrast to this, there’s something really special about finding your little niche of fans. There are about 6 or 7 people on Tumblr for whom I make a lot of my art (though it’s all open to view for the public and generally has 50-100 repeat followers). We’ll often riff off of each others’ art as well; I find that making art for that small community inspires me, makes the work more enjoyable, and pushes me to produce much better work than I would for just myself.

But apart from finding a close community like this (who just happen to be online), I agree that engagement-driven or profit-driven creativity is generally an inspiration killer. It’s one of the main reasons why I chose to keep art as a hobby rather than a career. If I lost the passion for it, I wouldn’t know what to do with my life.

The problem is that if you do what you enjoy, it's very unlikely to correspond to what customers want.

I suffered from this a lot because I love coding. There's a point when you may want to adjust your priorities. Beyond a certain point, it becomes defeatist to always do what you want.

I get though that the industry can feel like a giant psyop though so maybe it is better to be defeatist... Not sure.

This really resonates with me. Of course it's great to create something that other people enjoy, share it with them, get feedback etc. But it also might create a pressure that will strip off all the pleasure from the activity completely. So for myself, I decided to share my creations and welcome feedback, but also see the main goal in creation itself.
> The most egregious thing you can do with any activity is daydream about how you can make money off of it. That’s the quickest way to optimize for the wrong things and suck the fun right out of it. Most likely you will stop doing the activity almost immediately, so save the money-making schemes for work.

I disagree wholeheartedly with this statement. It implies several things that aren't true:

* That a hobby done for profit that can't also be done for fun.

* That a hobby for profit can't start as a profit-making venture, but turn into a passion.

* That work should be the only route to wealth.

* That optimizing for wealth can't go hand-in-hand with fun.

I despise the adage that a hobby is only a hobby if you aren't making money from it. I'm passionate about fantasy/sci-fi miniature building/painting, terrain modelling, and prop making. I love the expression of taking a universe that exists within the realms of novels and movies, and bringing it to the real world - to scale or in miniature. I design STLs/CAD models for 3D printing, scratch together terrain boards for people to play games on, paint miniatures any hour I get free, machine parts for various outfits and armaments, and spend hours fantasising about what universe I'm going to delve into next.

None of that would be possible if I didn't monetise the process. Most of what I build, I sell. If I didn't, I would neither be able to afford the hobby nor store the stuff I make. It would end up in a landfill. Parts of the hobby I took up explicitly because they demand higher prices when I sell it, but now they're some of the things I'm most passionate about.

Realistically, I'd love to do it as a full-time venture, but the semiconductor industry pays well and I'm not a famous maker so couldn't make it work - as the article states well enough. To suggest that hobbies can't both be fun and profitable though is a philosophy I think should be quashed.

There's a lot to unpack here and a lot of nuance that is getting missed in the discussion.

I've learned a similar thing over my years, so I'll share:

The pressure to do something amazing or uniquely is very very real. This can lead you to avoiding a lot of hobbies (sports, crafts, etc.) that would nonetheless very very personally fulfilling.

Understand that having a beginner's mentality can be fun in many pursuits. (This is an idea from zen.) For a few things we have mastery, most things we will enjoy as beginners.

Additionally, if you cannot do something with the desired results, the key thing is to find a variation of the activity that you find satisfying. For example: 1) I think I'm bad at sports. Wait, actually, I just hate sports that don't completely immerse me. Hence, I figured out way late in life that I enjoy surfing and squash. 2) I want to take photographs. I hate my photographs. Wait, actually I hate digital photography. Analog point and shoot gives me satisfying results. (Or, using a 90s Nikon coolpix if you're gen z, apparently.)

So for the people who are like: "Yeah, but you can't SUCK at your activity", my response is: "Right, but you also shouldn't give up on the activity wholesale because you're not a natural prodigy, and there's probably a non-obvious variation where you don't feel like you suck as much, perhaps because the variation is harder to critique." in the real magic here.

And, again, there's something special about trying something new. The people that tend to plateau in a pursuit are the ones who start out "good" because they are addicted to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Being bad with potential, those are the non-lucky people that end up mastering their field.

>>> "The most egregious thing you can do with any activity is daydream about how you can make money off of it. That’s the quickest way to optimize for the wrong things and suck the fun right out of it. Most likely you will stop doing the activity almost immediately, so save the money-making schemes for work."

This is an important point. The quickest way to make something unfun, is to get paid for it! That's because the second you get paid for something is the second you start doing it for someone else, creating value for someone else. you get paid to create value for others, not yourself. Play is creating value for yourself, not others that's why you don't get paid to play.

It's fun how this makes me both agree and disagree at the same time.

For whatever reason I manage to re-sign in to LinkedIn or Twitter once in a while, and boy do I hate the tone of people who act like they're some sort of business guru. Beyond the point of the article, there's a pretentious tone that I think one should avoid.

But stuff like:

> Blogging is fun and therapeutic. Grammar and editing aren’t

I have to disagree with. I like the craft portion of any activity. It's the type 2 sort of fun, where it's not necessarily fun when you do it, but the result makes you proud and happy, so it's worth it.

I think a better advice might be to do things for yourself rather than trying to please others?

Well, there is also a thing called reputation, especially when job background checks include internet/social-media scan these days. So I try to build trashy things under my anonymous nickname(s), it is much more fun like in 90s.
Awesome blog, I just loved the way wrote it. And I am totally agree with you. We don't need to be perfect or try to make perfect at first attempt, the more important is to enjoy the journey and honing the skills.
I recently started my own Mastodon instance for myself in this same train of thought. I noticed that one of my toxic traits was reaching out to people too often about things I found interesting. Expressing my own interests on my own Mastodon instance — even if nobody is looking at it — has been amazing for me to be more self-sufficient emotionally when it comes to my interests. It’s almost like a tech diary for me at this point.

Similar to parent, I find tremendous value in making myself my target audience.

I generally agree with the sentiment of doing what you enjoy first, and not thinking about an audience that may or may not exist, but the suggestions themselves will vary from person to person.

> Design is for an audience and you don’t have one.

It's wrong to generalize like this. Good design drives your work forward, and if you enjoy doing it, then by all means focus on that first.

Not appeasing an audience even when you have one is also a good idea. Art is an expression of the artist, and it dies once it starts being created for an audience.

The subhead to this article is:

> Advice for myself around leisure activities.

Which I think is worth restating here.

It’s one thing to, say, buy Azure AD Premium so you can obtain auth logs and put them someplace/analyze them for your startup. That’s just taking your work seriously.

But unless you’re learning or practicing, or perhaps building out demo or educational content, you might want to consider whether your personal AAD tenant needs that at home.

(I’m not staking a claim on that. Just an illustrative example.)

I disagree to some extent. E.g. I like to tinker, repair and build stuff and then blog about it. I put quite some effort into the writing part and every finished post gives me joy. Blogging has become a hobby in its own right. It also helps with getting projects done, because now the project is finished only when the post is out. All of my three regular readers like the results, too.

Of course, earning money from that never crossed my mind – in that respect, I fully agree.

I feel, the current generation of AAA Games are a great example for why you should make something you enjoy rather than something designed to make money. Look at Baldurs Gate 3 vs Skull and Bones. Make something you love and are passionate about. Get good at it. Use the Internet to show it to others that are passionate about the same thing - and there's a decent likelihood of success.
I wrote my book for me to fix everything I thought was wrong with the books I was reading. Unfortunately, it was hard to write without writing for an audience and I think it made the writing better when I wrote it knowing my daughter would probably read it one day.

Happy to know I will never be famous but through my writings I will outlive my short time on this earth.

Good article, there is a certain level of being tied by what others might think while they don't give a damn actually. I guess this is somehow inherent to the US society (I am from Central Europe and don't observe this things at such scale) and it would be actually interesting to scientifically track the origins how it went this way
> The most egregious thing you can do with any activity is daydream about how you can make money off of it. That’s the quickest way to optimize for the wrong things and suck the fun right out of it. Most likely you will stop doing the activity almost immediately, so save the money-making schemes for work.

People will even ask you about this.

My advice is to do the exact opposite of what this article recommends you to do. You will not look back fondly and proudly on all the half-assed things you did to just to have fun, whatever that means. Writing a blog post to rationalize it will not help either.
Decent advice, because you're not famous, but... > As long as your thoughts are coherent, don’t worry too much about writing mistakes or filtering yourself. If your grammar is poor, and there are mistakes, the chances of being coherent are diminished.
It's funny, I catch myself doing this with mechanical keyboard tinkering. I really enjoy it but perhaps trying to find that missing right shift so I can take a sick DSLR picture that I anticipate would get upvotes is futile at the end of the day.
That's easier said and done when half of the population between 15 and 45 are addicted to Instagram.

Even if a small percentage of them, say 5%, decide to emulate the famous people they follow we will have too many people who believe they are important.

Software engineering aside, I've definitely noticed that in other sectors - especially on the creative side of things - there's this expectation of you not only to be a good craftsman, but also have a brand. Be a personality.
Along the lines of this it reminds me of the people who obsessively baby things like phones so they can "preserve the resale value".

Screw that. If someone wants a pristine phone they can buy a new one like I did. It's bonkers.

I love this idea. I don’t actually want to be famous. Michael Jackson used to pay a supermarket to shut down so he could play at being a normal person. You and I can just go to the supermarket and be a normal person.
> daydream about how you can make money off of it.

I do this but mostly from trauma of having to kill things due to hosting costs (happened before), as long as its cheap/self sufficient enough the fun part dominates.

Minor gripe, but I don’t love the setting off of design against functionality. UX Design isn’t just about aesthetics; a good design makes an object, or piece of software, or whatever, more functional.
The title could also be "Breaking out of a product thinking."
>I am a software engineer based in San Francisco

It's a decent blog post but smells like rich person (compared to majority of the world) privilege. Always easier to talk from above.

This is probably good advice for someone else. For me, life got both a whole lot more interesting and a whole lot more fun when I started acting like I was famous.
Is it bad if I yearn and pine for fame? I know it's frowned upon, and I bury the urge for fame, but deep down, I am hooked to other's validation and fame.
Hypocritical - because all the edge-lordiness in the title and writing style is for an audience too.

It comes across as typical anti-individual ("anti-millennial") drivel by a person paralyzed by society out of fear, who now wants to share that paralysis with others.

This kind of paralysis (and writing style) comes from failure - either too much or not enough.

This author should have made a song, a documentary, an app, a painting, a company, documented making a dish from an ancient recipe, recorded themselves doing their first kickflip, made a pixel-art game engine in C, traveled to the Richat Structure to prove that it is/isn't Atlantis, etc. but instead of all that much cooler stuff that would further enlighten themselves and the world, they wrote this projection of insecurity.

"Don't try."

Nobody says this louder than people who either give up too easily or are afraid of challenges. Maybe they've never experienced the fruits of labor when it comes to a personal venture - economic or otherwise.

You really can sell software, get brand deals on a YouTube channel, get sponsored doing action sports, perform on stage in front of thousands, gain fans by living and documenting an incredible life on social media. It's not only possible, but it's a lot more fun than living as a copy/paste bubble jacket drone who has to go to work, who never does or says anything interesting.

The author's choice to not use CSS is not effortless minimalism by the way, it's the same thing as his moody black and white photo example - it's a conscious decision to appear a certain way to an audience.

This article is what a crab in a bucket looks like in the wild. The author is trying hard - they're just putting more effort in keeping contemporaries down than pulling themselves up. A sad state of our youth.

OP written by someone well-employed, so anything done outside steady paid work ought to be done for enjoyment. Nice luxury, that many don't enjoy.
as Marcus Aurelius reminds us, the applause of the crowd matters very little since our life is very short and death will cancel it anyway for us.
Not only is this bad advice, it’s perhaps the worst advice. I clicked this expecting it to be about attitudes, expectations, and entitlement, such as people who expect special treatment because of their social media profile. Instead it’s someone who is encouraging you to actively suck at what you do and to take no pride in your work when it is a hobby.

Let me counter this with an age old adage that is simply true: “Anything worth doing is worth doing well.”

This reminds me of a podcast episode that featured Rick Rubin.

He said make your art for yourself, make it like it is a diary entry.

This goes counter to "Make things other people would want simply for the purpose of making good things."
Title should have been: "You can still enjoy building things regardless of how many followers you have".
Author is probably a firstborn. If you’re 3rd in birth order, you don’t need that reminder.
A little ironic that the author is submitting their own blog posts to HN about the topic :)
TFA: stop acting like you're famous

TFA (later): well, we made it to the front page of HN

This sounds like "You aren't having fun properly".
Living in the panopticon, it's really hard to take this advice to heart. You have to self-censor all the time as if in front of large audience, the leap to believing that audience is interested in the positive aspects of your output, to make the constant vigilance worth it, isn't large, however delusional it may be.
I have done this all my life (which is also ‘my career’); it paid off accidentally big time in the beginning (90-00s) which made me enough to retire, but I like what I do (as per the article). Now I still work the same way but the money just isn’t there anymore, and the only thing to at I don’t do vs people who make a lot worse stuff but make millions is: get out there and act like I am a rockstar/musk. I hate that social media posing but it seems it’s the difference; we all have seen products here on hn that were absolute garbage but because the creator is acting like some football hero who just scored, many people go for it and they get subscription payments and vc moneys.

I won’t change my ways as I have enough money, but I would be quite… not happy starting out in these times and having to pose and fake until I make etc.

Oh my god, I hate it so much. Please, be yourselves. Don't listen to the author's "do"s and "don't"s. No one's opinion matters. Just yours. Just do what the hell ever you want! Optimise for non existent users, carve youur personal style, act like you're famous, please do. Love yourself and be free. Be what you want to be. I hate this article so much.
... so that other people can become famous by pretending to be famous? I won't bite, we fake it until we make it in this era, and we care more about the cover than the content
Why is it so that every so often one of these feel-good LinkedIn-style posts make it to the front page? Is there so much demand for banality on this site? I come here to read good tech articles or articles that stimulate my curiosity and it is sad to see these articles upvoted to the top when so many other good articles at https://news.ycombinator.com/newest continue to languish.
I actually have the opposite problem. I think it would help me if I would act MORE like I was, well I would not say famous but like promoting stuff, talking about it. Marketing myself and by business, just "presenting" myself.

It does not help someone create the greatest thing ever in silence when nobody will ever know about it.

Anyone knows how I can get the same style of this blog? I can't access the css for some reason /s