I see this in many retired people I know. Still saving, not spending wisely.

Using 2 hours of precious time to save $2.

Investments with a time frame that is longer than their expected remaining life.

Driving across town to get a couple of percent off a tank of gas - actually wasting petrol and time.

Hoarding stuff that they will never use - often stuff that would be useful to their kids or friends.

Then again I see the opposite in some people: drawing down a reverse mortgage like they'll be dead in 5 years and ruining their finances. Smoking and boozing and otherwise ruining their health because they "haven't got long to live".

i'm always too paranoid that what I think is the Big Bad ( is actually just another Dragon (

or if I know I'm at The End, how should I know how many stages the Final Boss has (

my pockets during the final cutscenes may be stuffed to the gills, but at least I made it

> For instance, using a ‘Speak with the Dead’ scroll on a certain suspicious corpse unveiled a questline I would have otherwise missed.

this is a pretty common scroll, you can buy them from most stores, and later learn a spell to use it constantly

if you want to be brave, blow that Orge Horn ( during a fight with like three mud monsters

I am an even worse horder than Jerry, to the point of making my most fun games un-fun. I am a bit crazy in how I play games like Divinity: Original Sin 2 (and eventually BG3).

I have this obsession with playing optimally at the highest difficulty level. So I have to collect every resource, craft all the best items, etc.

But collecting all that stuff is actually quite a tedious click-fest in many modern games like D:OS2. (Dallas' bedroom on Lady Vengeance is a prime example.) And it requires going to every nook and cranny of the world map.

So I can't stand leaving anything behind, and I'll never end up using even half of it, but what if I do need it and I don't have it later on?

I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 recently, and I don't have that problem with this game, though the solution may be unsatisfying to many. I've already hit max level on everything, and upgraded everything that I can. There isn't that much loot in the game in general (each mook has one or two items), and that can be quickly picked up and broken down as needed. I have more money than things to spend it on.

So I spend my time exploring the world rather than managing the character's inventory.

The Nintendo Switch Zelda games also do a pretty good job of balancing all the inventory / crafting. The resources regenerate (fruit trees grow more fruit over time) so it isn't necessary in most cases to try to grab everything whenever you see it.

That's definitely something I struggle with, both in videogames and real life. There's also a related thing with taking time to enjoy the things that I have bought or saved up for or worked so hard to get. It's not necessarily that I'm worried about using them up, but rather that I've already become focused on the next thing and don't take a break to savor the current one. I've gotten better about that over the years, but the reminder is still appreciated!
I would add that sometimes the one use items are really more like muscles. If you dont use them they decay. If you never ask a friend for a favor are they really your friend? Will they be there for you when you really need it if you never borrow a cup of sugar?
BG3 possibly fixed this problem for me. It not only throws scrolls and potions at you at every corner, especially later on the fights can be significantly harder than they need to be if you don't use those consumables. Physical resistance in stronger enemies literally halves the damage you do and using an oil reverts that. And when a boss can one-hit kill with a fire attack maybe that fire resistance item doesn't look so uninteresting anymore.

Use consumables and long rest often in this game, your experience will certainly be more enjoyable.

Some good game-related advice, specifically for roguelikes, that I often think about and apply IRL:

“The goal is to die with an empty inventory”

The computer science counterpart is the Optimal Stopping Problem. There's no real equivalent solution irl. In a country without a safety net, and if you don't have a trust fund, then constantly preparing for black swan events is only rational.
Slay the Spire on higher ascensions forces learning this, where potions shouldn't be held for more than a couple floors unless they solve a specific fight (like thorns vs stabby book or heart)
"a living Red Mage minus one Cure spell is more versatile than a dead Red Mage":
I can relate.

This also made me think of this article Are you playing to win or playing to play ( which is about doing things that aren't necessary to achieve the goal, but which you do to feel like you've done it right (as opposed to objectively doing it right).

An example from the article is someone who doesn't want to win at Street Fighter using throws, because they are seen as cheap: "Throwing violates the rules in their heads even though it doesn't violate any actual game rule"

Saving you potions feels like a rule derived from efficiency or frugality, trading off leveraging the resources you have.

Lots of mind traps here.

It interesting to see that computer games and rpg-metaphors have reached such an universal understanding in our society that we can ponder our life using concepts taken from them.
This reminds me of a social media post I saw recently; apologies for the third-hand link:
I don't agree, unless you really need to go for SBF style risk management. Predicting the future is hard, it's good to leave a buffer.
>tools with a cooldown

I really enjoyed this line. Seems like a good median point between extremes of scarcity or abundance mindsets.

I think it might be related to food. Modern food, especially in the west, is so bad that most people are chronically malnourished, and that state may switch you into the hoarder attitude.
Very cool life advice that I can personally resonate with very much. I also kept these damn scrolls, and managing the inventory was a task on its own, due to them taking up so much space.
He's right.

Be respectful though, there's a spectrum between "too shy to ask" and "annoying grifter". You want to sit somewhere in the middle.

Honour your commitments and repay your debts. Look for win-win situations. Help the tide raise all the boats. Don't emotionally manipulate your mark or take advantage of people's ignorance.